Our Story
We are so excited to have you here!
This business was created in my head at 1:30am on a random night well over two years ago. You see the cute guy in the middle of the pic... well he's the reason for my crazy ramblings and grandiose ideas. His name is Ethan, or E as we fondly call him. The beautiful girl on the left is my daughter Natalie, E's sister, best friend, and biggest supporter. I'm Marla, their mom- and we are all super excited about our business!
E has autism and a growth disorder, and while that can challenge us many days, it gives us incredible strength and resiliency.
I believe that E always knew what he wanted to do...he wanted to connect with every human on a level that many of us are still trying to do. Everyone knows E and E knows everyone.
About 80% of people on the spectrum have trouble finding employment which led me to his business. He is 12 and I figured what better time than to begin his journey with what he loves to do, and that's to serve others..and talk!
In the 3rd week of March 2020 I received the LLC in the mail and was ready to get this going....that's when Covid started and that really slowed down my plans, but also allowed me to spend time thinking and planning.
My long term plan is to have a coffee truck that E can work in along with other terrific humans who have goals, but find it difficult to fit those goals into a job that they are proud of.
Fast forward to Nov 11, 2020- E had spinal fusion surgery (for scoliosis) on a day that forever changed our lives. He came out of the surgery paralyzed from chest down. I'm still trying to grapple with the emotions of it all. I knew this was the time to bring his business to the world and show everyone just how incredibly phenomenal he is.
As for the name of the business...We run on everything but empty. We run on love, gratitude, hope, strength in knowing we all have each other, and maybe a little caffeine:)
To Natalie and E:
You both make my cup Runneth over......
At Running on E we hope to make your cups runneth over too.
THANK YOU for your support and we will continue to provide you with amazing coffee and E's exceptional customer service.